Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Portals to the Future / Portals to the Past -- Site Specific Dance Project @ Bodine High School

This past spring, the 70+ students in my drama classes at Bodine High School dove deep into ideas of labyrinths / portals / past-present-future in order to create totally original site-specific dance pieces in our school's amazing courtyard.

Then, we led about 200+ other classmates through the labyrinthine field of 12+ performance pieces, truly creating the give-and-take of audience/site/performer that makes live dance so incredible.

Joining me in my classroom were the AMAZING dancers from Bare Teeth Performance Crew, to help craft the students' exploration of themes, bodywork, and the ensemble process of creating original work.

If you don't have all day, I would definitely advise you to check out the work from minutes 10:32-15:20, as these groups worked in a truly committed way and it shows!

Also, the students in Ms. Fitzpatrick's Art Classes created all of the painted labyrinth ground murals, as well as all the costumes.

All of this was made possible by the INCREDIBLE FOLKS at the Picasso Arts Grant!

I apologize on posting this so far after the fact.  I got lost in a portal called summer.
Hope you enjoy it!!

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